New Blockchain Social Media Platform STEEMIT Pays You To Post and Vote Online

steemitSteemit, the social media platform where everyone gets paid to post online, has just rolled out it’s BETA. Led by CEO Ned Scott, formerly in private equity, and CTO Dan Larimer, the creator of Bitshares – Steemit today released a publicly available beta version of a social media content aggregator designed to reward content creators and curators with cryptocurrency.

Steemit, which is powered by Blockchain technology, uses forms of a new currency called Steem to reward users that upload articles, images, commentary and blogs, while rewarding users for sourcing and upvoting popular content. The earlier a person up-votes a post that becomes popular, the more they are rewarded. Users are paid half in “Steem Power,” a vesting currency that supercharges voting power, and half with Steem Dollars, which can be exchanged for USD.

Source: New Blockchain Social Media Platform STEEMIT Pays You To Post and Vote Online – Blockchain News

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