Pamela Samuelson to Keynote RightsTech AI Summit

Noted copyright scholar and fair use advocate Pamela Samuelson will be a featured speaker at the 2024 RightsTech AI Summit at Digital Entertainment World. The Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law at Berkley, Samuelson has been a prominent voice in debates around the intersection of copyright and technology over the past two decades. She has recently emerged as a vocal advocate for treating the use of copyrighted works to train generative AI models as a fair use under copyright law. She’ll be chatting with Sophie Goossens, partner in the Entertainment and Media Industry Group at Reed Smith.

Samuelson will discuss her views on fair use, whether works containing elements produced by generative AI tools should be eligible for copyright protection, and efforts to create a new class of intellectual property to protect individual’s name, image, likeness and voice.

The RightsTech AI Summit @ Digital Entertainment World is presented by Digital Media Wire, in partnership with Reed Smith and the UCLA Anderson School of Management. It will be held February 5th at the Carnesale Commons conference center on the campus of UCLA.

Other speakers will include Grammy Award-winning record producer and musician Albhy Galuten; Motion Picture Association global general counsel and former Register of Copyrights Karyn Temple; Pex chief operating office Amadea Choplin, Universal Music Group senior VP of public policy and government relations Amy Isbell; Concord Music Publishing executive VP of legal and business affairs Duff Berschback; American Society of Collective Rights Management CEO James Silverberg; and Matchtune chief business development and rights officer Virginie Berger.

Click here for information on registration. Contact Tinzar Sherman for sponsorship opportunities.

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